Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2019

From urban dictionary

Thanks For The Invite, usually used when a bunch of your buddies go out and they dont think to invite you. Urban Dictionary The Game. Awesome Sauce Letterpress Card. Cactus Legs Letterpress Card.

Smitten Kitten Letterpress Card. Indee judges in the U.

PS- Update to latest version 1. Just click on the icon(should be seen near the address bar) and a popup appears where the word can be entered and the top definition(s) and corresponding usage(s) are loaded into the. Increase your vocabulary and street cred. Perfect for those who want to pick up some new slang and those.

On the other han the decentralized and often un-monitored environment of such projects may make them susceptible to low quality content. We combine computational methods with qualitative annotation and shed light on the. Once submitte each definition entry is ranked by the user base and showcased in the order of popularity.

This dataset contains 2. Warning that this dataset.

As a result, a lot of the user-provided dictionary entries contain interesting variant spellings. While some are (presumably) typos, others are new linguistic innovations. How about the meaning of the phrase, “going full Donald” (wearing a shirt while not wearing any pants or underwear)? The game includes a set of cards with taboo phrases.

You can inculcate an habit of reading novels. And you can learn new words by jotting down the slangs etc that you come across through the novels you read. The most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone.

Love is an incredibly powerful word. For instance, according to definition 45. The crowdsourced dictionary, which now boasts millions of entries, is the go-to destination for anyone wondering what, exactly, it means to "Netflix and chill," or why their friends insist this. Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status.

Then again, what better way to find out what. An online dictionary where users can look up slang terms and get user submitted definitions. The submissions are later ranked by users, and the highly ranked definitions are showcased first.

As some of you might be. Should we let online dictionaries be offensive? Thousands of definitions are submitted every day, and many of them get published online.

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